Sunday, October 10, 2010

Concerning the Federal Reserve System and Fiduciary Responsibility….

October 9th, 2010

The point of all my prior diatribes and rants on this subject of the Federal Reserve System is that if any organization – public or private – is given the economic advantage of essentially controlling the fiscal and monetary policy of the United States, then at a minimum, said organization should claim a fiduciary responsibility to the government and people of the United States of America. Preferably and presumably, if not obviously, it would seem best that such an organization be an arm of the U.S. Federal government which is therefore sworn to uphold the U.S. Federal Constitution. However, reiterating from earlier blogs, the Federal Reserve System (The Fed) is not part of the United States Federal government and neither does it clam any fiduciary responsibility to the people of the United States nor any fiduciary responsibility to the Federal government of the United States (which of course would equate to a fiduciary responsibility to the people of the United States by default).

In the end and at the risk of sounding arrogant, to date, it is likely that I [operating in a single-handed mode] could have done a better job controlling the economy of the United States then what has been accomplished by the banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve System. Moreover so, by the fact that I would have always acted in the best interest of the people of the United States! That’s not to say, arguendo, that all policy regime pursued by The Fed has necessarily been to the detriment of the people of the United States. I’m just saying better results likely could have been accomplished by nearly anyone. Better results with the nation’s economy could also have been likely achieved by having no such organization resembling the government-empowered Federal Reserve System.

Adam V. Trotter / AVT