Tuesday, May 25, 2010

No, No, Mi Amigo! No, Presidente Calderone…, You Should Be Thanking Arizona, Not Pointing Accusatory Fingers of Blame!!!

May 25th, 2010

This blog is in response to recent comments by Mexican Presidente Calderon at a press conference in Washington DC (?) while meeting with U.S. President Obama (of about one week ago). To state the matter briefly: At that press conference the Mexican Head of State spoke poorly of the State of Arizona’s recent decision to enforce U.S. Federal immigration laws in that state with or without U.S. Federal support. Presidente Calderon then categorized this effort by Arizona as ‘discriminatory.’ This blog is to illuminate some of the realities of this matter.

El Presidente Calderon, please spare our intelligence and yourself the absurd hypocrisy!!! Mexican Government officials have no right or cause to point fingers of discrimination in the United States.

Presidente Calderon, you ‘wanna talk discrimination?
Let’s talk property rights in Mexico and how non-Mexicans are not allowed to own property in Mexico. Does that reek of discrimination? Let’s talk about a lack of rule of Law in Mexico. Does that reek of discrimination? Let’s talk about the necessary mordida/morbida/bribery (whatever you call it) to get things accomplished in Mexico. Does that reek of discrimination? Let’s talk about extortion of Americans tourists in Mexico. Does that reek of discrimination? (Regardless of whether such happens to Mexicans in the U.S., such is not widely condoned or ignored or accepted as merely the normal course of business in our nation, as such acts of extortion of Americans in your country is considered to be more or less a normal way of business.) What about immigration laws in your country? Does that reek of discrimination?

Presidente Calderon, you ‘wanna talk discrimination?
Let’s talk about the policies of your government that support the extreme division of classes in your nation. Does that reek of discrimination? Let’s talk about the policies of your government that force the desperate individuals of your nation to risk everything to walk across the desert to the U.S. Does that reek of discrimination? Let’s talk about the policies of your government that makes the U.S. governments appear as the epitome of efficiency by comparison.

What’s more, let’s talk about the policies of the U.S. government and the several states that essentially has allowed for the unlimited amount of immigrants to illegally enter our nation - allowed for any of several reasons. Not the least of these reasons include the fact that such a vent as allowing the illegal immigrant/emigrants from your nation to come to the U.S. to places such as Arizona, Texas, and California (predominantly, and to name a few) helps to prevent these desperate and driven individuals of your nation from supporting a revolution to rid the continent of your dysfunctional government that has caused all these problems from the onset. Does that reek of discrimination? All this and not to dwell on the matter of the cash these individuals infuse into your historically lethargic economy with monies sent to family members in your nation – monies made here in the U.S.

Consequently, I would ‘reckon, Presidente Calderon, that you owe the State of Arizona a big debt of gratitude.

And even more, when you are willing to allow a foreign dignitary into your nation to address issues in your country of which the dignitary’s nation does not agree, such as any or all of the concerns illuminated above, then you may believe yourself justified to point accusatory fingers of blame at issues of concern in the other nations. I would be interested to know if your people would welcome such thoughts from outsiders.

Presidente Calderon, I would be happy to know your thoughts on the issues herein. Hopefully, neither you nor others in your nation would seek to perpetrate any retribution against me for speaking my mind here in this blog. Do you think such a stated possible fear also reeks of discrimination?

Adam Trotter / AVT