Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Adam Vernon Trotter Theory of Business Management.

November 12th, 2010

The Adam Vernon Trotter Theory of Business Management is simplistic and can be summarized in two words: BE NICE! 

To be sure, I don’t claim this theory to be especially nouveau nor overly original. However, as I have often been critical of the ways many organizations run their operations, I felt myself compelled to suggest how businesses could be better managed and consequently enjoy greater returns for so doing. To reiterate, in general and particularly when dealing in business matters, adhere to the principle of being nice to one another.

With this theory it is acceptable to be extremely competitive. This theory allows for one to vent frustrations. This theory affords the possibility of defending against any attack. And, yes, this theory even allows for the natural human inclination to respond in kind. However, when pursuing any of these allowances, do not allow mean spirits to guide your actions. When acting in a mean-spirited manner, upon subsequent reflection, even victories seem sullied by comparison. At a minimum, be superficially nice and polite; we all know such has been shown to be sufficient for many in the business arenas.

As an example of an organization that is rarely perceived as being nice to others, the U.S. Federal government is consequently perceived as untrustworthy by most and even despised by many. I would surmise such is so because the Federal government is so rarely nice in its dealings with others. It would seem the Federal government’s business model or modus operandi does not address the possibility of being nice to anyone – even its own employees. As such, it seems nearly everyone that interacts with this entity nearly always tries to take advantage of the U.S. Federal government in business dealings whenever possible.

As another example of an organization that may sometimes take actions to better unnamed aspects of the American nation with no apparent regards of being nice to others, The Federal Reserve System seems to nearly always look for betterment of some with the concurrent intended detriment and at the expense of others. For example, with the latest wave of devaluation of the U.S. Dollar by The Fed, such devaluation was at the expense of the Chinese nation and other creditors abroad. While such a detriment of others may, in fact, help the American nation, in the end it may only create ill-will in those nations that were slighted with the devaluation efforts. As The Fed is perceived as acting for the U.S. Federal government, what will happen if the U.S. Government should ever need to borrow from those slighted creditors again? What will become of the reputation of the American nation when the realities of the devaluation actions become understood by the populace of those creditor nations?

Conversely, of course, any number of successful organizations make concerted efforts to be forthright, friendly, and compassionate towards others in business dealings and post significant returns for so doing.
Many of these organizations are well-respected by the consumer/populace in addition to being viewed as a coveted and sought-after employer as well. Though I am not one that steadfastly believes “Goodwill” belongs as an entry on the corporate balance sheet, such an esoteric concept has immeasurable value for several reasons – in my opinion.

I am aware that many may dismiss this theory as too simplistic and not in keeping with the realities of the world. Conversely, to others this theory may come as nothing new. But when acting without the negative intent of inflicting damage upon others, such a course of action nearly always yields better results than when acting to better oneself at the expense of another. Furthermore, I am aware that much of my “Be Nice” theory may be open to subjective interpretation. However, when taking actions to better oneself while clearly so doing is to the detriment of another, any subsequent gain does not come without a cost, regardless if the cost is immediately recognizable or not. As such, there is more to this theory than might be apparent to the short-sighted outlook of any critics who may down-play this business model.

As I am not perfect nor am I a saint, I don’t expect anyone else or any entity to be as a perfect saint either. However, if you don’t believe such a simplification of business to be true as such is described herein by the Adam Vernon Trotter Theory of Business Management, give the theory a try and make a conscientious effort to be nice to others in business dealings and then let me know your results. When adhering to this possibly simplistic theory, you will feel better for so doing and I would wager that your gains will significantly increase in the long term and also be more meaningful and rewarding as well.

Adam Vernon Trotter / AVT